
Our Generic Integration let you integrate with any system

Hopp Tech Standard Integration Practice Graphic

Hopp software has well-defined interfaces that can easily be applied to any system source and target system, making your data migration successful with less effort and better quality. 

The application of these interfaces forms one part of the extension that will ensure that Hopp fits your system context.

Key considerations



It is essential to ensure compatibility between the source and target systems to maintain data integrity during the migration process.



A thorough understanding of both systems' data structures is crucial for effective mapping and transformation.



Data quality must be assessed and cleansed before migration to avoid transferring errors.



The migration process should include rigorous testing to validate the data's accuracy post-integration.

Hopp Tech Data Migration Software Screenshots

Integration from start to end

Hopp comes with several integration points to ease the configuration of context-specific applications.

The migration starts when source data is loaded into the export database's generated source tables. Similarly, it ends when the resulting target data is created and stored using the Portal.

From an end-to-end migration system perspective, loading data from the source system to be migrated and the extensions offloading the resulting target data for delivery or insertion into the target system are typical integration points that require some integration functionality.

Integrations framework

Data Integration Icon

Generic Integration

Hopp is a generic tool to manage complex data migrations.

As a generic tool, it must be applied to the specific situation, namely the legacy source system (to be migrated from) and the target system (to be migrated to).

We have prepared Hopp for such applications by building standards around all the key elements needed.

This makes it straightforward to apply Hopp to any source and target system.

The components

There are two main types of integration components for a Target or Source system.

End-to-end migration icon

Target and Source Maps

The maps describe the inputs, processing and outputs for either the Source data to Interface Business Objects or Interface Business Objects to the Target data.

These are defined entirely within the Studio component of Hopp in a standardized structure provided by that component.

Integration Explained

There are several components that together make up Hopp Integration, and there are several ways to apply them.

A Detailed View

The flexibility of this architecture ensures that Hopp Integration can work with any system on any platform using CSV files delivered to a staging area, database, or multiple technologies. Hopp seamlessly invokes the Valueset Provider through a well-defined interface.

  • Valueset Provider

    The Valueset Provider hooks up to a well-defined Hopp interface, allowing Hopp to seamlessly invoke the Valueset Provider. The job of the Valueset Provider is to extract data from the Target System to populate the Valuesets defined in the Target Map. These Valuesets are in turn used by Hopp to validate and complete the data flowing through the data migration.

    Examples of Valuesets could be:

    • A list of Product Codes known in the Target System. Hopp can use the Valueset to validate the ProductCodes produced by the migration.
    • A list of required Interest Steps for Account products in a Bank. Hopp can use the Valueset to inject missing Interest Steps for an Account product if these steps are not present in the Source System.
  • Metadata Provider

    Also, the Metadata Provider links to a well-defined interface. This allows Hopp to seamlessly invoke the Metadata Provider to import the metadata describing the Target System. This is very useful not just as a one-off to get started, but also during the project to capture any changes made to the target system.

  • Data Delivery

    The migrated data produced by Hopp for any given Business Object is an Xml document containing all migrated data for the Business Object and its entire child Business Object hierarchy.

    The task of the Data Delivery is to receive these Xml documents and place the data correctly in the Target System. The placement of data must take place using the method prescribed by the Target System (through an authorized API, direct insert etc)

    The Data Delivery must handle all aspects of redelivery:

    • Only process redelivered Business Objects that have not already been placed successfully in the Target System
    • Clean out selected or all Business Objects in order to place corrected versions of the same Business Objects in the Target System

    Finally, Hopp's Data Delivery interface allows the Data Delivery mechanism to return any informational or error messages to Hopp, so these can be flagged and dealt with in a structured and supported way before another attempt is made.

    The Data Delivery mechanism can take the form of files, databases etc and reside on any platform. The Data Delivery component reformats and restructures the target object data stored in XML by Hopp into the format required by the target system.

    The Data Delivery places the migrated data received from the Source System in the Target System using the method prescribed by the Target System (through an authorized API, direct insert etc). This coherent execution flow will improve the quality of the end-to-end flow by resolving dependencies and identifying any issues before or when insertion into the Target System is attempted. Any issues found are returned to Hopp, flagged and can be dealt with in a structured and supported way before another attempt is made.

  • Target Map and Target Interface

    Using the Metadata provider, the Target Map imports the Metadata describing the migrated data to be delivered to the Target System via the Data Delivery mechanism.

    The Target Map exposes the data it must receive in order to produce the migrated data to be delivered to the Target System. This requirement is exposed by the Target Map as the Target Interface

    The Target Map eliminates internal references and data that can be derived from other data. The Target Interface only exposes data that cannot be derived and thus must be received.

    In addition, the Target Map can implement a wide range of runtime validations to ensure the highest quality possible of the target data produced by the data migration.

    The Target Map is strongly linked to the Target System, and this mapping can be reused in all migrations to the same target system.

    The Target Interface exposes and links the Legacy Source Map to the Target Map, making both Maps independent and reusable.  

  • Legacy Source Map

    When creating the Legacy Source Map, you specify exactly which data you request from the legacy source system. Often, you take what you can get – too much or too little – hard to know until you have mapped it with the data required by the Target Map.

    The Legacy Source Map match the source data descriptions (metadata) with the data requirements exposed by the Target Map (through the Target Interface). Any Hopp migration needs maps completed and extensions established to facilitate mapping and data flow from source to target system. Out of the box, the Hopp Interface need to be configured and set up for the systems to be migrated from and to. If we do not have the required Hopp Interface already, we will help or establish this as a part of any project using Hopp.

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