Migrating into Microsoft Dynamics 365

A complete solution for data migration

Microsoft Dynamics Integration

Business transformation requires meaningful data.

To get business benefits from using Dynamics 365 critical information should be verified and trusted.

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Challenges of Migrating Data to Dynamics 365

Pre-built metadata to speed up the migration

Knowing data structure and validation requirements can significantly increase speed and quality of migration.

  • Define source mapping and reference
    Define source mapping and reference
  • Extract and convert source data
    Extract and convert source data
  • Generate target data in D365 templates
    Generate target data in D365 templates
  • Validate and fix issues before loading to D365
    Validate and fix issues before loading to D365
  • Deliver quality data to D365
    Deliver quality data to D365

Don’t waste time on manual conversion

If you think that transforming data using spreadsheets is good enough, think about all the manual labour and errors. How many times preparing data in a spreadsheet ended up in days of work?

Luckily, you don’t need to develop your own: Hopp is a ready-to-go, tested migration solution.

Designing a custom migration for D365 takes time and resources

Migrating into D365 is complex. Don’t underestimate the time and effort needed to build your own, custom migration solution.

The amount of planning and development that’s required before you can even start moving data across is incredibly time-consuming, requires technical experts and delays the point at which you start to identify problems with the source data. What happens to your manual registration of transformations when you receive new source data?

The load files for D365 can be complicated and unintuitive

When migrating data to a D365, you’ll need to create load files. These files can be complex to create and must be loaded in the correct sequence to be successful.

If you’re not familiar with D365, this can be tricky, non-user-friendly and will often require expensive expert assistance.

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What's in the box

The success of any data migration is judged on its accuracy, speed and cost-effectiveness. In an ideal world, it would be as easy as taking the data from your old phone and migrating it to a new handset.

Alas, complex migrations often turn into drawn-out, moneysapping affairs that leave you with a disjointed mess of data in the new system.  Migrations into D365 are no different.

The quirks of the platform can result in difficult to rectify errors, expensive workarounds and– in worse case scenarios – project restarts. All this costs you time, money and effort.

How we can help

Our Functional and Technical Consultants are available to help you get started and it needed carry our your data migration project into Microsoft Dynamics D365.

Hopp D365 Key Points

  • Pre-built solution

    Get started quickly by populating the simple templates and using these to load their Dynamics environment. Use this to conduct initial tests and work through the configuration to decide which optional and customizable fields they will need to satisfy their business processes.

  • Business objects are key

    Instead of dealing with many separate data entities that are difficult to relate to and understand, we take a business-oriented approach. Data specification is logically grouped into business objects. Business users can specify data requirements and take responsibility for scope and quality. They can control which information is critical for a successful migration. With business objects as the key elements of migration, it is easy to define the scope of work and set priorities.

  • D365 data entities are implemented

    D365 is one of the target systems for Hopp. The pre-built target map covers standard D365 data entities and technical requirements: data structure, formats, references, calculated values, and validation rules. Custom data entities can be added and implemented without coding, so standard and custom data can be prepared for D365 without development.

  • Validation is integrated and automated

    Hopp D365 is built around the idea that all data migration steps can be validated effectively before the data is presented to the target system. Specification, source data, converted data, and target results are all checked using the Hopp validation rules. Any issues with the specification are highlighted, and possible corrections are identified. Source data passes validation to qualify for extraction. Converted data is checked. Only correct information is included in the upload. Hopp ensures the best data quality delivery and minimizes fixing issues in D365. This approach dramatically saves time and effort during data migration and user acceptance testing.

  • Source data mapping is simplified

    Data in legacy systems may look different from the requirements of D365. But the essence of business logic is the same. We provide tools for data mapping using business objects. Hopp can import data extracted from a variety of sources. The source data is taken in its original format and the software is used to perform any automated transformation and conversion.

  • Control of migration execution

    When mapping is done, the data migration can be executed. Hopp provides tools to test and migrate selected business objects: extracting source data, converting it, and generating target results. All steps can be performed multiple times until the required quantity and quality of data are met. Because results are stored in a staging database, it is easy to fix issues. Data preparation is done outside of D365 to minimize errors during upload.

  • Tracking and sharing results

    Data migration involves the teamwork of business users and consultants. It is essential to control the status of each migration step and share results among all team members. Hopp provides a tracking portal that allows all team members to view the latest information about the data migration. Business objects present results: how many records are migrated, how many had issues, and details of errors. Project management can assess the progress of migration at any time.


A solution based on the generic Hopp Integration framework


Hopp Dynamics is a data migration solution already set up and built to work with Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications. It makes the migration process easier to understand, faster, and cheaper.

For Microsoft Dynamics 365 data migration projects, the Hopp Dynamics solution adds to existing Hopp features, lowering costs, improving data accuracy, and speeding up execution.

Feel free to contact our technical team for personalized assistance. You can reach us via the contact information on our website or the contact form below, and we'll be happy to answer your questions.

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