Seamless Migration 01 Embrace a Paradigm Shift 04 Effortless Iterations and Testing 02 Unleash Quality Beyond Expectations 05 Streamlined Issue Tracing 03 Simplified Stepwise Process for Agile Data Migration

01 Seamless Data Migration 

With Hopp’s data migration software, you can run and rerun your migration in a separate environment, breaking free from ties to the Source or Target System.    

02 Effortless Iterations and Testing 

By using an intermediary copy for testing purposes during iteration, you can instantly address any issues during testing, ensuring a smooth and error-free migration.

03 Streamlined Issue Tracing 

With our solution, everyone has the same reference and uses the same terms, as all the necessary information is shared among users.

04 Embrace a Paradigm Shift 

With Hopp’s data migration software, you can easily iterate event codes, specific keys, and more and run multiple iterations every day.

05 Unleash Quality Beyond Expectations

Confidently delegate your critical data to our robust software, surpassing your own expectations and ensuring unmatched quality throughout the process. 

Key Features

End-to-End Solution

End-to-End Solution for Complex Data Migrations

Our solution is specifically designed to effortlessly handle complex data migrations from start to finish. With a comprehensive set of data transfer tools, you’ll have everything you need to successfully wrap up even the most intricate migration projects.

Intuitive Graphical UI

Intuitive Graphical UI with Powerful Features

Our ready-to-use application provides a powerful yet user-friendly graphical user interface. Seamlessly map data, set business rules, create data validation, run tests, and track events—all within a single intuitive platform.

End-to-End Solution

Business Objects for Focus on Business Logic

Prioritize pure business logic through the concept of Business Objects. This approach enables you to focus on the core aspects of your business needs, ensuring efficient and effective data migration processes. 


Consistent Application of Dependencies, Validation, and Rules

Quality is ingrained in our data migration solution through the consistent application of dependencies, validation, and transformation rules. By integrating mapping and validation into the actual code, errors in the migration process are minimized. This guarantees accuracy and reliability. 

Iterate with confidence, 
trace issues effortlessly, 
and witness the profound shift 

in your approach with Hopp’s 
data migration software.

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3 Components

3 Main Components of Hopp

To get a better insight into what sets our software apart, explore its 3 essential components that guarantee seamless data migration.

components-circle Studio Core Portal 01 02 03
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This component offers a collaborative and intuitive interface for data mapping. 

With it, you can easily create business objects, establish relationships, implement transformation rules, and set validation criteria. Now, let’s dive deeper into Studio’s benefits.  

  • Streamlined Mapping and Guaranteed Accuracy

    Studio is a powerful Windows application for creating data migration mappings. With its powerful features and focus on structure, it makes mapping easier and ensures accurate data transformation.

  • Enhanced Understanding and Overview

    Gain clearer insights and better control over your mapping with Studio’s extensive cross-referencing and reporting functionality. This Hopp’s data migration component gives you a full grasp of the relationships and connections within your mapping to make informed decisions.

  • Seamless Validation and Error Reporting

    Studio doesn’t just create maps—it thoroughly checks them too. It makes sure your maps are accurate and consistent, catching errors that could mess up your data migration. Studio’s error reports help you fix problems quickly, so your migration remains reliable and trustworthy.

  • Improved Efficiency and Precision

    Studio makes mapping easy and enables precise data migration results. Benefit from its organized approach, extensive cross- referencing, reporting functionality, and reliable validation features. This component helps you make fewer mistakes and streamline your data migration project.

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The Portal offers an interface for managing data flow and tracking results.

Users load source data, set values, run migration, and download target data. It supports fine-grained iterations and execution of multiple projects across servers. Below, we outline the valuable benefits it offers users.

  • Comprehensive Result Display

    With Portal, you can keep track of all events generated during the iteration. It guarantees that data linked to all business objects is used and generated throughout the process. It also highlights deltas that pinpoint the differences between iterations.

  • Rich Workflow Functionality

    Beyond showcasing outcomes, the Portal component also provides strong workflow capabilities for migrating data. For each event, users can manage responsibilities, comments, and states (such as accepted, fixed, etc.).

  • Enhanced Accessibility and Collaboration

    As a web app, Portal grants easy access to a wider audience, including business users involved in data migration. Baseline comparisons show trends since the last iteration, and detailed information is provided for each migrated business object, facilitating impact analysis.

  • Collaboration and Issue Management

    Portal facilitates collaboration among users by keeping track of event states (new, fixed, accepted, recurring, etc.). This allows team members to comment on the events and assign responsibility for resolving each issue.

  • Managing the data migration execution

    For the team members that will be managing the execution of the data flows, the Portal provides an interface for the Core runtime environment where the generated engines execute the data migration.

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This component is a specialized application that auto-generates rules and migration code.

For this purpose, Core uses the predefined mappings created in the Studio component. Here are the benefits that companies get by utilizing this application for your data migration project.

  • Efficient Functionality

    The Core component operates in the background, backing up the data migration process. It has a code generator leveraging for creating c# code based on Studio’s maps. It also has a runtime environment for running the code smoothly and reliably.

  • Seamless Iteration and Fine-Grained Control

    Portal is the interface to the core runtime environment, giving you control and the ability to iterate over the data migration process step by step. Users can easily navigate through the business objects that generated events during real-time migration, or focus on specific ones to fine-tune the process.

  • Multi-Project Support and Execution

    Core helps manage and execute many data migration projects on different servers. Its versatility ensures smooth operation and execution of simultaneous migration initiatives, guaranteeing flexibility and scalability.

  • Enhanced Efficiency

    Benefit from Core’s seamless background work, code generation capabilities, and reliable runtime environment. Use this component’s interface to fine-tune your data migration, iterate over specific business objects, and monitor events with ease.

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