Why Choose Hopp Data Migration Software

Our out-of-the-box data migration software solution saves you time and effort compared to building and testing migration features from scratch using standard ETL software.

You might think that data migration projects call for ETL software tools like Talend, Informatica, or SSIS. Professionals who work with data migrations know that using a generic ETL tool is just a starting point.

We are often asked to compare an ETL tool to our agile data migration software on key features that matter to most data migration projects.

Ready-to-go software exclusively dedicated to application data migration, addressing the unique needs and challenges of our clients by offering targeted functionalities and features.


As a starting point for a dev project, these solutions extract data from different sources, transform it to meet requirements, and load it into a target system or database, though they are less suitable for pure data migration.

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We’ve already built the software functionality you need

all you have to do is use it for your data migration project.

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Comparison features table

It may be tough to pull resources away from your core activities and projects to evaluate new software. Yet, to understand how quickly your investment in evaluating and implementing Hopp in your organization will pay off, see how our software differs from standard ETL solutions below.




Extract data from legacy systems

Is the product able to extract data from any legacy system(s) or database out of the box?

No, but can be built as an extension.


No, but an ODBC connection or similar can usually be built.


Environment to specify extraction rules

Does the product have a user-friendly interface for defining data extraction rules from legacy systems?

Dedicated Application suitable for non-technical users.


User Interface suitable for technicians.


Environment to specify transformation rules

Does the product offer a user-friendly interface for transforming data from legacy systems to a format suitable for the target system?

Dedicated Application suitable for non-technical users.


User Interface suitable for technicians.


Environment to specify validation rules

Does the product have a user-friendly interface for validating transformed data before loading it into the target system?

Dedicated Application suitable for non-technical users.


User Interface suitable for technicians.


Migration system architecture inherent in the product

Does the product come with a ready-made structure for end-to-end data migration runs, or does it only offer tools to design and build a system?

Yes, can begin processing data almost immediately.


There is no migration system out of the box.


Separation of extract and transformation from validation and load

Does the provided migration system architecture split the process into two stages with a user-friendly interface for business users to understand target system data requirements and help migration analysts define the extraction, transformation, and validation rules?

Yes, the system uses a Source Map for source data and rules, and a Target Map for validation, connected through a Business Object interface.


There is no ready-made migration system, but one can be built. It may satisfy this requirement if it is designed and built this way.


Extract configuration data from Target systems

Can the product readily extract data from any target system or database to support the validation of the transformed data before loading it into the target system?

No, but can be built as an extension.


No, but an ODBC connection or similar can usually be built.


Checking specifications for completeness and logical consistency

Does the application or user interface provided for defining the extraction, transformation, and validation rules include processing to verify that the rules are complete and internally logically consistent to generate error-free code?

Yes, users cannot publish rules for code generation in the Source and Target engines if there are errors in the Studio application's specifications.


The tool may ensure that the syntax of the specification is valid, but it doesn't guarantee error-free execution.


Generate executable code from specifications

Can a product generate a complete set of executable code without any manual involvement?

Yes, the product generates a C# project that can be compiled and executed conventionally.


The product provides an environment for the execution of the rules specified.


Incorporate custom code with generated code

Can the generated code be easily extended with custom code, allowing for repeated automation even when rule specifications change without modifying the custom code?

Yes, the custom code is isolated from the generated code and automatically included during the compilation.


Not known.


Library of prebuilt routines to incorporate into the generated code

Does the vendor offer a library of pre-built rules or routines, or is there a customer ecosystem that can be integrated into the specification and executable code to reduce the need for custom coding?

No, but as Hopp is taken up by more customers, we will provide a support environment that enables the sharing of manual rules between users.


In some cases, yes.


Application to manage the execution of generated code

Does the product offer a user-friendly application interface to manage the execution of the generated code of the custom migration system so that direct interaction with the application server is not required?



Not known.


Controlled execution by business object to allow migration of any number of records

Is it possible to control the execution of the migration system to process data for a single business object, either with or without related business objects? Can this data selection be based on any number of business objects, ranging from one to another?



Only if designed and built that way.


Automatic resolution of dependencies to ensure complete migration of logically related records

Does the generated migration system, controlled by the application, resolve relationships or dependencies between defined business objects, ensuring only logically complete data sets are produced?



Only if designed and built that way.


Ability to repeatedly transform and validate without loading to a target system

Can the transformation and validation steps be executed independently from the load process so that errors can be corrected before the data is transferred to an instance of the target system(s)?

Yes, the validation process produces correctly structured data for loading, but the load step is independent.


Only if designed and built that way.


Controlled reprocessing of rejected records

Can control of processed data be limited to business objects that were rejected in a previous execution for any specific reason(s)?



Only if designed and built that way.


Scheduling and linking of jobs for execution

Can the product build strings of jobs to be executed and schedule them to be run at future dates/times?





Baselining of specific executions to support testing phases

Can data from a specific execution run be baselined or 'frozen' so that it can be easily found in test environments to assist in diagnosing detected errors?



Only if designed and built that way.


Management of events generated during execution

Does the product automatically handle and provide users with results from events specified for extraction, transformation, and validation rules?



Only if designed and built that way.


Real-time display of results of execution

Can the execution progress of the migration system be monitored in real-time, so that in case of significant data rejection, rapid error detection and diagnosis are possible with the option to abort?



Only if designed and built that way.


Access to details of all events via browser application

Does the product offer a user-friendly interface for non-technical users to review events generated during the data migration system's execution?





Display of data extracted, interfaced, and supplied to load

Does the product offer a user-friendly interface for non-technical users to examine extracted, transformed, and validated data during the migration process to aid in quality control?





Maintenance of transformation tables by users

Can non-technical users input and maintain transformation tables within the migration environment to translate coded data from legacy to target structures, avoiding external, uncontrolled documents?





Audit trail/complex data lineage

Does the product maintain integrity during data migration and ensure that data is preserved as complete logical units for easy detection of lineage-related issues?



Only if designed and built that way.


What is the first step after installation?

To gauge the product's readiness for use, what's the initial step users usually take to kickstart the migration process?

Mapping the migration.


Initiating a project to develop your migration system using the ETL tool.

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